Personal Brands


The final lesson was about how to create your own personal brand. For professionals in the communications field, it’s important to have professional platforms in which to showcase your work. For personal use, it’s good to have a space of our own to connect and display all your projects. By creating a brand for yourself, it’s easier to “market” yourself to potential employers.

Building a personal brand can be done with a few pretty easy steps. One is to be authentic. Next is to keep yourself educated in a field that you love. There is no point in writing about things you don’t care about. Oftentimes readers can tell when the author does not care for the material. Next, you need to continue writing articles not only for yourself, but to contribute to other sources. you could become a source as well. Networking and speaking at events are other ways to create a brand too. Most important, keep an online presence so it’s easy to find you.


In classes, we have been told to be ourselves and write about a field we love, especially in Writing for Com Professions. Networking has been emphasized. Becoming a source hasn’t really been discussed. I never knew you could be a source without a more formal background, such as a degree in the field. Keeping an online presence has been taught in both Writing for Com Professions and in Intro to Media Convergence. We work on how to write articles, but to also keep a bit of ourselves in them to give them more life, to make them appear human.


I have written my last article on what my cat, Smudge, has taught me. It was a little hard to write because I haven’t written an article that wasn’t a list in awhile. It was almost refreshing to not have to come up with numbered steps or tips. The pictures I used were pictures I took, which is always fun. The more involved I am in an article the more proud of it I am. I think this article was a good note to end my internship on. It was a wonderful experience, and I am so happy I had this opportunity.

What I’ve Learned from Smudge


About Rena

I was born and raised in South Jersey, and I can tell you something I love about every season. Recently, I've been getting into beauty, but my main interests are writing, reading, and trying to organize my life. My current project is to finish editing a novel. And I love cats.
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1 Response to Personal Brands

  1. aaronjamesmoore1 says:

    Very good insight on what you learned. Fantastic work.


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